Obama's Agenda/Beliefs Matches That of Catholics Here
Obama's Agenda/Beliefs Matches That of Catholics Here EXCEPT for the smokescreen of abortion and gay marriage, I can't tell the difference between the most ardent le...Read More
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Speech at Georgetown University on April 14, 2009 by Berit Kjos Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles...
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It is simply not sustainable to have a 21st-century financial system that is governed by 20th-century rules and regulations that allowed the recklessness of a few to threaten the entire economy. Order...
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Obama desires world socialism The Pope desires world socialism Pope Benedict's Critique of Capitalism Lead [-] Earlier this summer Benedict urged the nations of the world to embrace each other in...
View ArticleRe: Obama's Agenda/Beliefs Matches That of Catholics Here
It is interesting how absolutely SILENT the Catholics have been on this thread here and elsewhere!
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Bennie the Bumbler (Tan's nickname for him) and JPII are/were fascist in their beliefs and thinking, JPI was a socialist therefore they had to kill him off. It is very clear that Obama is also...
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Budge2 wrote: It is interesting how absolutely SILENT the Catholics have been on this thread here and elsewhere! Budge: Lay Catholic Internet Apologists aren't interested in exposing their hirelings...
View ArticleRe: Obama's Agenda/Beliefs Matches That of Catholics Here
While he - Barak Obama - was lead organizer in Chicago for the Developing Communities Project, it received a $40,000 Catholic Campaign for Human Development grant in 1985 and a $33,000 grant in...
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Lots of media coverage today on the Michael Brown funeral. No media coverage though three weeks ago on the funeral of Border Patrol Agent Javier Vega, Jr. Vega was gunned downed in front of his...
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No U.S. President has the right to destroy the U.S. Constitution and completely disregard it, in the course of his duty to all Americans. We are supposed to be a nation of laws, but on November 20,...
View ArticleRe: Obama's Agenda/Beliefs Matches That of Catholics Here
Without Catholic immigration, which is in large part illegal, the Catholic Church in the United States would wither away, just as the mainline Protestant churches are withering away. Immigration...
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Francis is a false pope. His teachings will lead to the poverty, as Mr. Kincaid correctly notes, of Cuba and Venezuela. Do we as Americans really want to Plunge our nation into 3rd world destitution...
View ArticleRe: Obama's Agenda/Beliefs Matches That of Catholics Here
American Catholics believe the same as the nation at large. ("On many important issues of the day, the opinions of Catholics overall donot differ appreciably from the general public.") In other words,...
View ArticleRe: Obama's Agenda/Beliefs Matches That of Catholics Here
Obama's agenda to make citizens defenseless is hearing the Pope Francis call! As I was watching the President’s remarks from the White House announcing his Executive Actions to prevent gun violence, I...
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